An Infographic map of the richest countries in the world in 2024, ranked by GDP per capita (PPP)

The Richest Countries In The World 2024

Luxembourg is currently the richest country in the world based on its GDP per capita (PPP) of $143,742 according to the 2024 IMF report. Ireland, Singapore, and Qatar trail behind at $133,895, $133,737, and $112,282, respectively.

For more information on prosperity metrics such as "GDP" and "PPP," click to scroll to this section: Understanding Different Metrics of Prosperity.

The 15 Richest Countries in the World

Rank Country GDP Per Capita (PPP)
1 Luxembourg $143,742
2 Ireland $133,895
3 Singapore $133,737
4 Qatar $112,282
5 United Arab Emirates $96,845
6 Switzerland $91,931
7 San Marino $86,989
8 United States $85,372
9 Norway $82,831
10 Guyana $80,137
11 Denmark $77,641
12 Brunei $77,534
13 Netherlands $74,157
14 Iceland $73,783
15 Saudi Arabia $70,332

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1. Luxembourg - $143,742

Luxembourg city, the capital of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Luxembourg City, the capital of Luxembourg
  • Population: 683,500
  • GNI per capita: $89,200
  • Total GDP: $88.56 billion

Luxembourg has consistently ranked as one of the countries with the highest GDP per capita, currently leading ahead of Ireland. A key factor in this economic success is Luxembourg's strategic position in central Europe, which facilitates a significant financial services sector. Nearly half of Luxembourg's workforce commutes from neighboring countries such as France, Germany, and Belgium each day. These cross-border workers contribute to the nation's economic output without increasing the population count used to calculate GDP per capita. As a result, the GDP is spread across a smaller resident population, effectively boosting the per capita figure. Luxembourg is home to approximately 130 banking institutions, making it a major hub for international finance. The country is also a global leader in managing investment funds, second only to the United States, with around 5 trillion USD under management. While these funds are managed in Luxembourg, the actual investments are often made elsewhere. Luxembourg's economic strength primarily stems from its robust banking sector and the contribution of its cross-border workforce, rather than its relatively small technology and data industries.

2. Ireland - $133,895

Dublin, Ireland. Night view of famous illuminated Ha Penny Bridge in Dublin, Ireland at sunset
Dublin, Ireland, Night view of the famous illuminated Ha Penny Bridge in Dublin, Ireland, at sunset
  • Population: 5,304,000
  • GNI per capita: $79,730
  • Total GDP: $564.02 billion

Although Ireland has dipped farther behind Luxembourg due to a recession caused by low pharmaceutical exports and weakened manufacturing enterprises, it is still a behemoth of financial power in 2024. Ireland's momentum, historically, has only been aided by its 12.5% corporate tax rate, one of the world's lowest. This tax policy mixes well with its skilled, English-speaking workforce, and multinationals like Google and Apple are thus driven to make Ireland their European base.

Furthermore, Ireland's pro-globalization economic policies have further encouraged foreign direct investment (FDI), which ultimately enriches citizens who benefit from increased commercial activity. Additionally, like many of the European countries on this list, Ireland's involvement in the European Union grants it membership privileges and subsidies that go far under shrewd budget policies, which Ireland has.

3. Singapore - $133,737

Aerial view of Singapore city at day
Aerial view of Singapore City on a sunny day
  • Population: 5,997,000
  • GNI per capita: $67,200
  • Total GDP: $525.23 billion

Singapore's list of techniques for drawing in riches is similar to Ireland's—low corporate tax rates, light regulations, a strategically located port—but the history is exceptional. Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's prime minister from 1959 to 1990, is considered the father of the city-sized country because he leaned into the shared values of the region's ethnic groups and invested obsessively in private banking, shipbuilding, and electronics. The strategic investments have proven successful, and today, many commend the government for its consistent provision of social services. like housing and healthcare.

4. Qatar - $112,282

The Bay of Doha in Qatar
The Bay of Doha in Qatar
  • Population: 2,986,000
  • GNI per capita: $70,120
  • Total GDP: $244.69 billion

Qatar's wealth is primarily derived from its extensive oil and natural gas reserves, and considering the country possesses more than 15% of all proven gas reserves in the world, that dominance is unlikely to be unseated in the near future. Those funds have been directed toward advanced technology, architecture and engineering projects, and events like the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Glamour aside, Qatar has also been meticulous with investing its riches as if it were a hedge fund, and so now it paces ahead of other oil nations.

5. United Arab Emirates - $96,845

Skyline of Dubai in the UAE
Skyline of Dubai in the UAE
  • Population: 9,257,000
  • GNI per capita: $49,160
  • Total GDP: $527.80 billion

The United Arab Emirates is one of the world's richest countries due to its income, which stems from its operations in global business as well as revenues from natural gas. This two-pronged approach of both services and production has served the country well, enough to fund Lamborghini police units and cloud seeding technology that causes rain to fall artificially (sometimes Dubai even floods, such as it did in April of this year).

The Dubai harbor is excellently positioned between Europe, Africa, and Asia; Jebel Ali is considered one of the busiest ports in all of the Middle East and Africa. Roughly 212 people live in Dubai with a net worth of above $100 million, and there are an additional 15 that are counted as billionaires.

6. Switzerland - $91,931

Basel, Switzerland. Old town with red stone Munster cathedral on the Rhine river.
Basel, Switzerland. Old town with red stone Munster cathedral on the Rhine river
  • Population: 8,932,000
  • GNI per capita: $95,490
  • Total GDP: $938.46 billion

A financial growth chart of Switzerland, when held up to the horizon, might be indistinguashable from the ever-climbing alps the region is famous for. Switzerland ranks sixth because it prides itself on its own industriess, investing heavily into gems, chemicals, and machine manufacturing goods that find their way across the European Union and the world.

Additionally, services are no small part of the country's value, which include the ever-reliable realms of banking, tourism, and insurance. If broken down, approximately 74% of the Swiss GDP is related to these services, and the rest, the aforementioned manufacturing industry. Agriculture is the one domain that Switzerland is not globally renowned for, although Swiss farmers do produce a little over half the food that is consumed within Switzerland, so self-reliance is still a clear priority.

7. San Marino - $86,989

San Marino cityscape. View on San Marino city from observation deck. Yellow roofs of Scan Marino town
View on San Marino city from observation deck
  • Population: 35,200
  • GNI per capita: $47,120
  • Total GDP: $2.03 billion

San Marino is almost identical to Switzerland in terms of its source of income: services and manufacturing (ceramics, clothing, paints, wine, to name a few) are time-honored pillars of financial well-being. Tourism appeal is slightly different, however, because visitors typically come to bask in the local Mediterranean climate during cold seasons elsewhere. The poverty rates in San Marino are among the lowest on the planet, which is likely related to its low unemployment rate and emphasis on education. Merchant banking was this microstate's strong suit in ages past, so the country's networks and ancestral talents have been lying in wait for the trade networks and industrialization of the past century— this advantage cannot be understated.

8. United States - $85,372

New York City Financial District cityscape at dusk.
New York City Financial District cityscape at dusk
  • Population: 341,963,000
  • GNI per capita: $76,770
  • Total GDP: $28.78 trillion

The "New World" came with more than just tomatoes for sauce and corn for cob; in the stretches of land that became known as the United States, untapped veins of gold, silver, and hydrocarbons were, and still are, practically limitless. The security of being isolated from the rest of the world has also aided the United States, allowing it to invest in specialist industries like biotechnology, engineering, and computer technology.

All in all, the United States has a larger GDP than any other country on the planet. However, its high population of 340 million residents means that there are a lot of mouths to feed, economically speaking. One advantage the United States wields is its imposing military, which has granted it significant weight in global negotiations with Japan, specifically, because Japan was barred from operating a military following World War II.

9. Norway - $82,831

Aerial view of Oslo the capital of Norway
Aerial view of Oslo the capital of Norway
  • Population: 5,578,000
  • GNI per capita: $94,540
  • Total GDP: $526.95 billion

Norway derives significant economic benefit from its marine resources. Seafood is one backbone of the Norwegian economy, alongside energy exports, and experts maintain that these ocean-based industries are responsible for 40% of Norway's value creation. Regarding individual experience, Norway's efficient legal system, strong property rights protections, and innovative commercial environment contribute to its 10th place ranking in the world's freest economies, according to the Heritage Economic Freedom Profile.

The standard of living in Norway is famously high, and the currency (the Norwegian 'Kroner') stands independent and proud in the global economy. In USD, the average minimum wage in Norway is roughly $22.00/hour, and for comparison, the minimum wage in the USA can drop as low as $7.25/hour.

10. Guyana - $80,137

Downtown Stabroek Market at night - Georgetown, Guyana
Downtown Stabroek Market at night - Georgetown, Guyana
  • Population: 741,300
  • GNI per capita: $14,920
  • Total GDP: $21.18 billion

Guyana is a surprising entrant among the richest countries this year. Oil production began as recently as 2019, and that industry skyrocketed the South American country into the major leagues. The country is largely English-speaking due to its British colonial past, and Georgetown reigns as its capital. The acceleration of its economy, described as a "double-digit growth" by, occurred in 2023 when additional oil fields began operating. However, one threat to Guyana's stability appears in the tensions building up between it and Venezuela; Venezuela appears to be testing waters over a long-standing territorial dispute around the Essequibo region.

11. Denmark - $77,641

Famous old Nyhavn port in the center of Copenhagen, Denmark during summer sunny day.
Famous old Nyhavn port in the center of Copenhagen, Denmark during summer sunny day.
  • Population: 5,989,000
  • GNI per capita: $73,520
  • Total GDP: $409.99 billion

When in doubt, always invest in education and open trade, which is what Denmark prioritized in the years after the Napoleonic Wars. This knowledge economy laid the foundation for powerful manufacturing and shipping sectors that still continue today, and a general lack of corruption in government administration prevents interrupting the flow of riches to the public sectors that need it the most.

Interestingly, only a small percentage of Denmark engages with farming and fishing, which is divergent from Norway's approach. One would be remiss not to highlight the welfare system that Denmark has in place, on top of its efficient infrastructure, where new parents can expect support. Healthcare and education are publicly financed, meaning 'free' at the point of use.

12. Brunei - $77,534

Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei
Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei
  • Population: 455,400
  • GNI per capita: $31,410
  • Total GDP: $15.51 billion

In between Australia and China, there is an island called Borneo; on its northern shore, the easy-to-miss Brunei has staked its flag. The shore is a large part of why Brunei is on this list, as it hosts enviable amounts of oil and gas reserves. Much like Qatar and Guyana, Brunei has been in the hydrocarbon business to the tune of billions in profit. The architectural style of the sultanate is notably luxurious; golden domes, expansive gardens, and elegant mosques cut into the sky with a surprising regularity. The sultan himself, Hassanal Bolkiah, is one of the richest people in the world, as well as one of the longest reigning monarchs since his coronation in 1968.

13. Netherlands - $74,157

Amsterdam Netherlands dancing houses over river Amstel
Amsterdam, Netherlands dancing houses over river Amstel
  • Population: 18,031,000
  • GNI per capita: $60,230
  • Total GDP: $1.14 trillion

In the case of the Netherlands, its abundant riches of today come from more than just a wellspring of natural gas that was discovered in 1959 (although that did not hurt). In prior ages, the Dutch worked as traders, farmers, and conquerors, and ancestral investments have ensured that the country and its people have always had high expectations when it came to checking the treasury. For example, organizations like the Dutch East Indies Company (c. 1602 - 1799) secured the Netherlands to be one of the world's top trading nations for centuries to come, and now the country currently prioritizes services for 80% of its overall GDP, and the remainder rests heavily on manufacturing.

14. Iceland - $73,783

Beautiful view of the historic town of Husavik with traditional colorful houses and traditional fisherman boats lying in the harbor in golden evening light at sunset, northern coast of Iceland
Beautiful view of the historic town of Husavik with traditional colorful houses in Reykjavik, Iceland
  • Population: 403,000
  • GNI per capita: $68,660
  • Total GDP: $33.34 billion

Although Iceland has been powerful in recent decades thanks to its manufacturing sector, which is heavily bolstered by geothermal and hydroelectric power sources, Iceland has seen revenue flow in as far in the past as the 1880s during a fishing industry boom. Those exports soared in part because of the introduction of sailing smacks and mechanized fishing fleets. Today, services like welfare reflect the ability of the Icelandic government to care for its people, and social assistance comes in the forms of healthcare, disability pensions, and immigration support. More surprisingly, companies occasionally include an immigration bonus for non-citizens who want to move and work in Iceland; NPR reported one such case that involved $50,000 for qualified persons.

15. Saudi Arabia - $70,332

Saudi Arabia, Riyadh
Saudi Arabia, Riyadh
  • Population: 33,145,000
  • GNI per capita: $27,680
  • Total GDP: $1.11 trillion

Saudi Arabia is at the bottom of the top 15 for an intriguing reason: despite extraordinary oil and natural gas resources, Saudi Arabia does not rely on outside labor nearly as much as the other Arab Oil countries. The math is fairly simple; if your residents are primarily foreigners working on short to long-term contracts, the government will have more resources to spend on citizens. However, the Saudi petroleum sector is nothing to scoff at, and a generally low cost of living helps boost the GDP per Capita (PPP) value to nearly twice as high as its standard GDP per Capita value. Last, it should be noted that various Saudi commercial ministries have been aggressively investing in entertainment sectors to promote tourism and domestic social activity.

Comparing The United States With China

The top 15 richest countries in the world include the United States, which is in 8th place with a GDP per capita (PPP) of $85,372. This high position makes sense, considering it has the highest GDP in the world at 28.78 trillion USD. Peculiarly, China is only the 75th richest country in the world in 2024 according to its GDP per capita (PPP) of $25,015, despite possessing the second highest GDP of 18.53 trillion USD: this is because GDP alone does not accurately reflect the distribution and impact of a large GDP if a country's population is high. The United States has a population of almost 342 million in comparison with China's 1.41 billion.

Extreme Prosperity in Partially Recognized Territories and Countries

Sunset over Victoria Harbor as viewed atop Victoria Peak
Sunset over Victoria Harbor as viewed atop Victoria Peak
  • Macao - SAR GDP per capita (PPP): $134,140
  • Taiwan - GDP per capita (PPP): $76,858
  • Hong Kong - GDP per capita (PPP): $75,127

Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macao are three highly prosperous territories that have become symbols of success in the eastern hemisphere. While many refer to these regions as 'countries,' they either do not have sovereignty under international law, remain part of China, or are in a unique political situation. Hong Kong became a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China in 1997 after more than 150 years of British rule. Taiwan is a de facto independent nation controlled by neither China nor any other sovereign entity. Macao, meanwhile, is an autonomous administrative region of China led by a governor appointed by Beijing, which is why it experienced extreme economic gain in 2023 once China relaxed COVID restrictions on Macao's entertainment industry. Ultimately, despite their quasi-independence from the parent country, all three territories enjoy considerable economic prosperity and serve as models for developing countries across the globe.

Final Thoughts

After reviewing the world's richest countries and their economic prosperity, it is clear that financial success has many different looks. Luxembourg currently leads the way across most metrics. Others on the list also possess strong economies due to a focus on innovation and investment in technology, finance, tourism, and natural resources. It is no surprise, then, that Ireland, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Switzerland, and Norway are leading countries in attaining riches. However, it is incredible how there is still room to grow and expand within such thriving economic spaces. While San Marino and Brunei might boast lower GDPs per capita or employ fewer people than other countries on this list, specific industries have put them on track to become highly successful economies. This potential proves that any country can achieve financial gain through dedication to their citizens and self-investment.

Understanding Different Metrics of Prosperity

While Gross Domestic Product (GDP) often emerges as a prominent choice in assessing a country's fortunes - for instance, the United States' GDP topped $28 trillion in 2024 - it is the GDP per Capita Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) that offers a more nuanced perspective (The term 'per capita' represents an amount divided amongst all persons in a country). To illustrate, if Country A has a GDP of $1 trillion and a population of 10 million, one might believe that each citizen has an average 'share' of $100,000. However, this is an oversimplified view, as GDP doesn't necessarily indicate how prosperity is distributed among the population, nor does it reflect how much of those resources are reinvested in public services. For instance, another hypothetical country with a GDP of $30 trillion might appear to be the richest, but if the population is as impossibly large as 7 billion, each person has a per capita share of barely $4,000. If the wealth is unequally divided, that amount is even lower. Below are definitions of key terminology:

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) serves as a significant economic indicator by quantifying the relative buying power of different countries' currencies. It makes this assessment by comparing the costs of the same basket of goods and services across different countries. For instance, if a burger costs $5 in the United States but €4 in France, PPP enables a realistic comparison of these currencies' relative strength.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) provides a measure of a country's economic activity within a specified period, typically a year. It accounts for the monetary value of all final goods and services produced and sold domestically. For example, the annual income from all car sales, retail purchases, and service fees within a country contributes to its GDP.

Gross National Income (GNI) calculates the country's total income. This calculation includes not just domestic production but also income earned by its residents from international activities. Hence, if a country's businesses earn significant revenue overseas, GNI per capita would more accurately represent the country's economic health.

International dollars, often used when discussing GDP per capita (PPP), is a hypothetical currency that has the same purchasing power as the U.S. dollar has in the United States. Essentially, it is a way to compare the purchasing power of different countries' citizens as if they were buying goods and services in the U.S., helping us understand how far their money would go in a standardized, international context.

However, these indicators have limitations. GDP, besides unequal distribution and function, can be artificially inflated in tax havens, leading to a misrepresentation of the country's actual finances. GNI might not fully account for income inequality within a country. Consequently, GDP per capita (PPP) becomes a preferred measure as it adjusts GDP for the relative cost of local goods, services, and inflation rates. This adjustment provides a more equitable comparison of living standards between countries, accounting for local price levels and global economic dynamics.

Note: Up-to-date and available information is crucial to maintain these comparisons, and Liechtenstein is a worthy example. This country's GNI per capita in 2009 was $116,600 (US$), and the United Nations estimates their current GDP per capita at around $169,260. If Liechtenstein provided accurate and current figures, it would likely be one of the richest countries in the world.

Richest Countries by Continent

Ranking Of The Richest Countries Worldwide

Rank Country GDP per Capita PPP
1 Luxembourg 143,742
** Macao SAR 134,140
2 Ireland 133,895
3 Singapore 133,737
4 Qatar 112,282
5 United Arab Emirates 96,845
6 Switzerland 91,931
7 San Marino 86,989
8 United States of America 85,372
9 Norway 82,831
10 Guyana 80,137
11 Denmark 77,641
12 Brunei 77,534
** Taiwan Province of China 76,858
** Hong Kong SAR 75,127
13 Netherlands 74,157
14 Iceland 73,783
15 Saudi Arabia 70,332
16 Austria 69,460
17 Sweden 69,176
18 Andorra 69,146
19 Belgium 68,078
20 Malta 67,681
21 Germany 67,244
22 Australia 66,626
23 Bahrain 62,671
24 Finland 60,851
25 Canada 60,495
26 France 60,338
27 South Korea 59,329
28 United Kingdom 58,880
29 Cyprus 58,732
30 Italy 56,905
31 Israel 55,532
** Aruba 54,715
32 Japan 54,183
33 New Zealand 53,797
34 Slovenia 53,286
35 Kuwait 52,274
36 Spain 52,012
37 Lithuania 50,600
38 Czechia (Czech Republic) 50,474
39 Poland 49,060
40 Portugal 47,070
41 Bahamas 46,524
42 Croatia 45,702
43 Hungary 45,691
44 Estonia 45,122
45 Panama 44,796
46 Slovakia 44,080
47 Turkey 43,920
** Puerto Rico 43,218
48 Romania 43,179
49 Seychelles 43,150
50 Latvia 41,730
51 Greece 41,187
52 Oman 39,858
53 Malaysia 39,029
54 Saint Kitts and Nevis 38,869
55 Russia 38,292
56 Maldives 37,433
57 Bulgaria 35,963
58 Kazakhstan 34,533
59 Trinidad and Tobago 32,684
60 Mauritius 32,093
61 Chile 31,005
62 Uruguay 30,170
63 Montenegro 29,695
64 Costa Rica 28,558
65 Serbia 27,984
66 Antigua and Barbuda 27,309
67 Dominican Republic 27,120
68 Libya 26,456
69 Argentina 26,389
70 Mexico 25,962
71 Belarus 25,685
72 Georgia 25,248
73 China 25,015
74 Thailand 23,401
75 North Macedonia 22,249
76 Grenada 21,799
77 Armenia 21,746
78 Iran 21,219
79 Brazil 20,809
80 Albania 20,632
81 Bosnia and Herzegovina 20,622
82 Barbados 20,592
83 Botswana 20,096
84 Colombia 19,769
85 Turkmenistan 19,728
86 Saint Lucia 19,718
87 Gabon 19,452
88 Azerbaijan 19,327
89 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 19,195
90 Suriname 18,927
91 Equatorial Guinea 18,378
92 Moldova 17,901
93 Egypt 17,614
94 Fiji 17,403
95 Palau 17,381
96 Indonesia 16,861
** Kosovo 16,775
97 Peru 16,630
98 Mongolia 16,503
99 Algeria 16,482
100 South Africa 16,423
101 Paraguay 16,290
102 Bhutan 15,977
103 Vietnam 15,469
104 Ukraine 15,463
105 Dominica 15,279
106 Ecuador 14,484
107 Tunisia 13,644
108 Jamaica 13,542
109 Eswatini 12,637
110 El Salvador 12,560
111 Jordan 12,401
112 Philippines 12,191
113 Namibia 12,007
114 Iraq 11,937
115 Belize 11,320
116 Guatemala 11,005
117 Morocco 10,946
118 Uzbekistan 10,935
119 Nauru 10,823
120 Bolivia 10,693
121 Cabo Verde 10,304
122 Laos 10,241
123 India 10,122
124 Bangladesh 9,416
125 Venezuela 8,485
126 Cambodia 8,287
127 Nicaragua 8,136
128 Djibouti 7,706
129 Mauritania 7,679
130 Honduras 7,502
131 Tonga 7,461
132 Ghana 7,155
133 Angola 7,152
134 Kenya 6,976
135 Pakistan 6,955
136 Cote d'Ivoire 6,859
137 Kyrgyzstan 6,789
138 Samoa 6,720
139 Nigeria 6,340
140 Marshall Islands 6,313
141 Tuvalu 6,056
142 Tajikistan 5,831
143 Myanmar 5,202
144 Nepal 5,032
145 Cameroon 4,841
146 Republic of Congo 4,739
147 Micronesia 4,690
148 Senegal 4,661
149 Benin 4,557
150 Zambia 4,361
151 Sao Tome and Principe 4,238
152 Ethiopia 4,019
153 Timor-Leste 3,767
154 Tanzania 3,746
155 Kiribati 3,613
156 Papua New Guinea 3,534
157 Comoros 3,531
158 Sudan 3,442
159 Rwanda 3,367
160 Guinea 3,365
161 Uganda 3,344
162 Guinea-Bissau 3,238
163 Lesotho 3,227
164 Haiti 3,107
165 Gambia 2,992
166 Zimbabwe 2,975
167 Vanuatu 2,939
168 Togo 2,910
169 Burkina Faso 2,780
170 Mali 2,714
171 Solomon Islands 2,712
172 Chad 2,619
173 Sierra Leone 2,188
174 Somalia 2,062
175 Yemen 1,996
176 Madagascar 1,979
177 Liberia 1,882
178 Malawi 1,711
179 Niger 1,674
180 Mozambique 1,648
181 Democratic Republic of the Congo 1,552
182 Central African Republic 1,122
183 Burundi 915
184 South Sudan 455
N/A Afghanistan NO DATA
N/A Eritrea NO DATA
N/A Holy See NO DATA
N/A Lebanon NO DATA
N/A Liechtenstein NO DATA
N/A Monaco NO DATA
N/A North Korea NO DATA
N/A State of Palestine NO DATA
N/A Sri Lanka NO DATA

**: Macao and Hong Kong are special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China, and Taiwan is a province in the PRC. See here for Kosovo, Aruba, and Puerto Rico.

Data taken from World Economic Outlook 2024 Report - GDP per capita, current prices (

Top 10 Richest Countries Ranked By GDP

Rank Country GDP in USD
1 United States $28.78 trillion
2 China $18.53 trillion
3 Germany $4.59 trillion
4 Japan $4.11 trillion
5 India $3.94 trillion
6 United Kingdom $3.50 trillion
7 France $3.13 trillion
8 Brazil $2.33 trillion
9 Italy $2.33 trillion
10 Canada $2.24 trillion

Top 10 Richest Countries Ranked by GNI

Rank Country Most Recent Value
1 Switzerland 95,490
2 Norway 94,540
3 Luxembourg 89,200
4 Ireland 79,730
5 United States 76,770
6 Denmark 73,520
7 Qatar 70,120
8 Iceland 68,660
9 Singapore 67,200
10 Sweden 63,500

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