World Facts


When is Tornado Season?

Tornado season usually takes place between March and June. Tornados are most common in spring and least common in winter. 

March 21, 2019 12:52

Which Countries Border Malaysia?

The portion of the nation known as Peninsular Malaysia shares a border with Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia while East Malaysia borders Brunei, Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam.

March 20, 2019 17:27

Countries With the Most Heliports

The United States, India, and South Korea are the three countries with the highest number of heliports in the world at 5,664, 1,141, and 510 respectively.

March 20, 2019 12:01

What is an Intangible Cultural Element?

Focusing mainly on intangible aspects of culture, UNESCO inscribes Intangible cultural heritage of countries across the world to ensure they survive the test of time.

March 20, 2019 11:45

What is a Social Progress Index?

Social progress refers to what a country is doing or can do to improve its socio-political and economic infrastructure.

March 20, 2019 11:06

The 7 Wonders Of The Solar System

The solar System is full of mysteries and wonders, the greatest of which have always amazed humans around the world.

March 20, 2019 10:50

Countries On The Equator

The equator runs through eleven countries and territories around the world, including Indonesia, Brazil, and Kenya, among 8 others.

March 20, 2019 10:38

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