World Leaders In Wood Product Exports

9. Chile (6 billion kilogrmas)
Chile has extensive forests, and these occupy over 20.7% of the country’s total land area. The large areas of radiata pine and eucalyptus plantations in Chile have rendered it a major exporter of paper and wood products to overseas markets. Most Chilean wood products today are being exported as lumber, logs, and chips. In 2000, the forestry sector of Chile generated exports of $1.89 billion. Annually, 6 billion kilograms of wood are processed in Chile as sawed timber, pulp, and paper. The major markets for Chilean wood exports are Japan, the United States, South Korea, Germany, and Belgium, among a few others.
8. Austria (7 billion kilograms)
The timber export industry is very well developed between Austria and other EU countries, with Italy and Germany being the primary foreign customers for Austria’s timber products. There has also been a rise in the demand for Austrian wood products in the Americas and Asian countries as well in recent years. Around 7 billion kilograms of wood products are processed and exported from the country annually. The elaborate organization of the industry, complete with sustainable practices, a respect for nature, and research-based production, has led to the marked international success of the timber industry in Austria.
7. Brazil (11 billion kilograms)
The forestry industry in Brazil is partially responsible for the tremendous success of the country in the financial sector. The country has the third largest forest reserves in the world, and the highest biodiversity in terms of both flora and fauna. Timber is harvested both from Brazil’s native and commercially planted forests. Pine and eucalyptus trees serve as the largest sources of volume of timber for export from the country. 11 billion kilograms of wood are processed and from the country annually. Pulp, raw wood, laminated woods, plywood, and paper are the most commonly exported Brazilian wood products. These are shipped all over the world, generating a tremendous income for the country.
6. Russia (14 billion kilograms)
The Russian Federation's timber exports grew by 7.9% in 2014, fueled in large by an increasing demand for its wood products in Asian countries. China, the largest importer of Russian timber, increased its volume of orders by 17.6% in 2014. The comparatively lower prices of Russian wood products also help Russia to stay ahead of its European and U.S. competitors. Presently, the country produces and exports around 14 billion kilograms of processed wood products as sawed timber, pulp, and paper.
5. Germany 14.5 billion kilograms)
The timber industry in Germany is a flourishing one since the country is home to one of the largest timber reserves in all of Europe. 14.5 billion kilograms of wood products are processed and exported from the country annually, with approximately 30% of Germany's sawn timber being exported to foreign markets. The 150,000 timber companies in the country generate an annual sales of about 170 billion Euros, and the market sector employs nearly 1.2 million Germans.
4. Finland (16 billion kilogrmas)
Approximately 20% of Finland’s export revenues are generated from the Finnish forestry industry. The industry produces and exports about 16 billion kilograms of processed wood annually and, in 2013, the Finnish forest industry’s production was worth 20.7 billion Euros. 15% of Finland’s industrial jobs are generated by the forest industry. In 2014, a total of 11 billion Euros were generated by the export of Finland’s forest products (including furniture).
3. Sweden (18.5 billion kilograms)
55% of Sweden’s land area is occupied by forests, with pine and birch being the dominant commercial timber plant species. The country is the third largest exporter of paper and board in the world, producing about 4% of the world’s total production of these wood products. 18.5 billion kilograms of wood products are processed and exported from the country annually. In 2001, the net export of wood and wood products contributed $10.6 billion USD to the nation’s economy.
2. USA (19.5 billion kilograms)
The United States' (U.S.) forest product exports have grown tremendously over the years, with a record $9.7 billion USD worth of forest products being produced in 2014. China, Canada, and Mexico are the top three markets for U.S. forest product exports. A total of 19.5 billion kilograms of processed wood are generated and exported from the country annually. Logs and lumber generate the highest export values, while the demand for wood pellets has also grown rapidly, primarily driven by the European Union’s increased demand for fuel resources.
1. Canada (31 billion kilograms)
In Canada, forest products, primarily wood and wood products, contribute a significant level of the value added to the country’s economy. $17.1 billion USD are generated annually in export value alone from the country’s forest products. Northern bleached softwood turned into kraft pulp, newsprint pulp, and softwood lumber are the three items that together form 47% of Canada’s forest product exports. 31 billion kilograms of wood, processed as either sawed timber, pulp, or paper, are produced and exported from this country annually. The United States, China, and Japan serve as the largest foreign markets for Canadian wood and wood product exports.