Jordan Pond, Maine
The Jordan Pond is an oligotrophic tarn situated in Acadia National Park, close to Bar Harbor in Hancock County in the southern portion of the US State of Maine. The 1194 ft tall Penobscot Mountain rises to the west of this clear water pond, while the 1247 ft tall Pemetic Mountain rises to the east. The Bubbles rock formation sits at the pond's northeastern shoreline, whereas the southern end of the pond is constrained by an artificial dam and glacial debris.
About The Jordan Pond

The Jordan Pond covers a total area of around 187 acres. The pond has an average depth of 25.6 m and reaches a maximum depth of 45.7 m. This clear water pond has a normal visibility of 13.4 m, which often has been recorded up to 18.6 m. Moreover, with a surface elevation of 84 m, the pond contains high dissolved oxygen levels and has a water volume of 17,388,000 cubic meters. The primary inflow of Jordan Pond is the Deer Brook Stream. The primary outflow is the Jordan Stream. The catchment area of Jordan Pond is approximately 5.0 sq. km. The nearest settlement to the Jordan Pond is the town of Mount Desert, with a population of around 2,146 inhabitants.
History Of Jordan Pond

It is believed that the Jordan Pond was formed during the last glacial period by the Wisconsin Ice sheet. The pond was named after the Jordan family of Seal Harbor, who built a farmhouse adjacent to it. During the 1870s, the Jordan Pond House, a restaurant, was opened. Over the years, Jordan Pond House became a meeting place for the upper classes. Eventually, John D. Rockefeller purchased the Jordan Pond House and then surrendered it to the National Park Service. At present, boating is not allowed in the pond, and people and pets cannot enter the water in order to preserve its cleanliness. The Jordan Pond supplies potable water for the Seal Harbor village.
Ecology Of Jordan Pond

The Jordan Pond is home to many fish species, such as the lake trout, banded killifish, pumpkinseed sunfish, brook trout, Atlantic salmon, rainbow smelt, three-spined stickleback, minnow, and American eel. The pond also contains several plant species, including many kinds of quillwort, pondweeds, bur-reeds, as well as carnivorous bladderwort species.