Top Rated Universities In The Netherlands

Higher education has always been an important aspect of society in Holland, with some of the oldest universities in the country that are still in use having been established there as early as the 16th Century. These institutions of learning play a significant role in the education of a vast number of people both locally and internationally. Some of these universities have been ranked among the top in Netherlands by the times higher education. The Delft University of Technology is ranked first followed by the university of Amsterdam, Wageningen University, Erasmus University, and Leiden University.
5. Leiden University -
Leiden University was established in 1575 by the Prince of Orange as a public research university. The University, located in South Holland, is one of the highest ranking universities in Netherlands with a reputation in continental Europe as one of the best for arts and humanities. Leiden is the oldest university and is recognized worldwide as one of the best research institutions. Leiden owns more than 50 institutions and schools. Notable alumni from the university include the first lady of Costa Rica Josette Altman, the physician Johann Bartsch, the politician Ben Bot, and the judge Alexander Boswell.
4. Erasmus University at Rotterdam -
Erasmus University was established in 1913 as a public university located in Rotterdam. The University is one of the top rated universities in Netherlands and the 72nd in the world. Erasmus University focuses mainly on four areas in education and arts including health, wealth, governance and culture. The university enrolls more than 26,000 students with almost 3,000 academic staff. Johann Anderson, Rene Hooft Grafland, Maarten Fontein, Eduard Bomhoff, and Jan Kees de Jager are among some of the many notable personalities who have studied at Erasmus University.
3. Wageningen University -
Wageningen is a Dutch public university located in Wageningen that was established in 1918. The primary focus for the university is in agriculture and related sciences. The university offers BSC, MSc, and Ph.D. programs to both local and international students. The university enrolls more than 10,000 students and employs a total of 6500 administrative staff. Wageningen is one of the best universities in Netherlands and the 36th best in the world for agriculture and life sciences. Notable alumni from the university have included the likes of Gerrit Braks, William Hilbrand van Dobben, and Martjin Katan.
2. University of Amsterdam -
The University of Amsterdam was established as a public university in 1632 by municipal authorities in Amsterdam, initially intended to serve as a medical teaching institution. Currently, the university is one of the largest research centers in Europe. The national government in 1961 made the university a national institution leading to the consequent recognition both locally and internationally. The university has been accredited by the Ministry of education, culture, and science giving it full rights to operate as a university. Notable alumni from the university include Christiaan Eijkman, Anton Pannekoek, Eric Verlind, Prime Minister Charles Michel, and trade union leader Marleen Berth.
1. Delft University of Technology -
Delft University is the world's largest and oldest state-ran technological university. Established by King William II in 1842, it was transformed to become the first polytechnic school in 1864. By 1905, it was an Institute of Technology, and thereby gained full university rights and credentials. In 1986, the name was changed to Delft University of Technology. Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate Degrees are offered by the university, which has an enrollment of almost 20,000 students. Jan Arnoldus Schouten, Ben van Beurden, and Nobel Laureate Simon van der Meer are some of the most notable Dutch personalities to have attended the Delft University of Technology.