Mirabai - Famous Figures in History

Mirabai, also known as Meera or Meera Bai, is one of the most famous figures in the Indian community. She remains to be a symbol for women in Hindu community trying to gain their voice today. Mirabai is still much alive in the hearts of Indians who adore her so much. She is considered one of the greatest female saints. The songs she composed are still sung today. Also, many artists have composed hundreds of songs in honor of Mirabai and festivals devoted to her. They are celebrated around the time of Dusshera in Rajasthan. To the Indians, she is still alive in their hearts.
Early Life
Mirabai was born around the start of the 16th century to Ratan Singh and Veer Kumari. Her father was of Rao Rathor descent, the founder of Jothpur. She was born in the village of Chaukari. Meera became enamored with Lord Krishna when a wandering sage, Sadhu, came to their home and gave her father a doll of Sri Krishna. At first, her father was reluctant to give it to her because he thought she would not appreciate it. Mirabai would not eat until the doll was given to her and vowed to make Krishna her lifelong friend, lover, and husband. Mirabai became a mystic poet and a devoted worshipper of Lord Krishna.
Conflict with Family
Ratan, Meera's father, arranged for her marriage to Prince Bhoj Raj at a very early age. Prince Bhoj Raj was the son of Rana Sanga of Chittoh and worshipped their family deity Durga. Meera served her husband dutifully, but later she would spend time singing and worshipping her beloved Sri Krishna which the new family did not approve since they worshipped Durga. Her sister-in-law accused her of defamatory remarks which angered Mirabai’s husband. She also accused her of entertaining men in her room. Her husband believed these rumors and stormed her room with a sword only to find Meera playing with a doll. Despite these slanders, she remained unmoved.
Mirabai wrote many poems in praise of Sri Krishna that are even used today by Krishna devotees. She influenced her husband to respect Krishna, and he resulted in building a temple of Lord Krishna so that Meera could worship her lord. She also wrote over 200 songs. Mirabai also influenced women in the Hindu community to have their voices heard since Hinduism considered men to be superior to women.
Mirabai's Death
During her last days, Mirabai went to live in Dwarka. This is the place where Lord Krishna and his clan had lived after they left their home at Mathura. It is not known what caused Mirabai’s death. It is believed that in 1547, Mirabai left her body to unite with Lord Krishna at the age of 59. There is common folklore that says Meera merged into the idol of Sri Krishna and they became one. This happened when Chittor sent men to abduct her and only her sari was found draped around murti of Krishna.