10 European Union Countries That Deport The Most People

The EU countries are popular destinations for immigrants from different parts of the world. The immigration has grown to become a significant matter in many EU nations to the point that it is a central theme in most elections. Different governments have opted to restrict immigrants entering their respective countries and have laws and regulations that limit such immigration. One such country is Sweden. Britain's decision to say goodbye to the EU was in part fueled by the need to control the influx of people immigrating. In most cases, governments deport illegal foreigners who attempt to enter the country or who are already in the country. The European Union has identified the countries which issued the most deportation orders in 2015. They are as follows:
Greece ordered 104,576 non-EU citizens to leave the country in 2015. Thousands of immigrants brave the risk of drowning on board smuggler boats along the coast of Turkey. Most of the immigrants who arrive in Greece are returned to Turkey in accordance with a deal struck by both the EU and Turkey. Most of these immigrants originate from Pakistan, Syria, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and Iran.
96,950 immigrants were served with deportation orders in France in 2015. The European immigration crisis saw the French National Assembly adopt legislation on immigration matters on July 23, 2015. The legislation describes the various strategies the country has to use in mitigating illegal immigration. Asylum seekers have 15 days to appeal any denied asylum applications. France has been contending with a growing population of immigrants, some of whom live on its streets. In 2016, the country cleared an immigrant camp in Calais which hosted refugees waiting for their asylum applications to be accepted in various EU countries.
The UK is one of the EU countries which have had to contend with high rates of illegal immigration. A large population of this number is those who do not leave the country once their visas expire such as students and even rejected asylum seekers. In 2015, the UK issued deportation orders to 70,020 of such immigrants. The Home Office is mandated to deal with deportation and immigration concerns in the UK. Once an individual receives a deportation order, he/she can opt to appeal by writing to the Home Office. Should the Home Office reject an application without appeal, it will begin arranging documents for the concerned individual.
The number of illegal immigrants in Germany has been increasing in the recent years. In 2014 for example, German police apprehended 57,000 of illegal immigrants which represent a 75% increase from those caught in 2013. The high numbers have encouraged an immigration debate across the nation. In 2013, the police reported the arrest of 2,100 illegal traffickers. Most of the detained immigrants in Germany originate from Syria, Somalia, Eritrea, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Serbia. The nation has also witnessed a rise in asylum applications. In 2014, Germany received 173,072 of such applications compared to 109,580 in 2013. Germany issued 54,080 deportation orders in 2015.
Spain issued 33,495 deportation orders in 2015. The Spanish enclaves of Melilla, as well as Ceuta, are popular with illegal immigrants from North African coast who intend to gain entry to Europe. Spain has reported increasing number of migrants apprehended for trying to enter the nation's territory illegally. In 2014 alone, 12,549 such migrants were caught compared to 7,472 caught in 2013. Syrians are among the largest illegal immigrants detained at Spain's borders.
Belgium has devised different methods to deal with the immigration crisis including forced deportation flights. The nation forcibly deported 4,245 illegal migrants and arranged 25 return flights for unauthorized immigrants mainly to the DRC, Serbia, and Albania in 2015. Most of the asylum applications that Belgium receives are from Afghan, Syrian, and Iraqi nationals. Belgium issued 31,045 deportation orders in 2015.
Italy has been one of the favored entry points for migrants wishing to enter Europe. Pressure from its neighbors, however, has caused Italy to quit issuing waivers to migrants going to other countries and has left the country grappling with large immigrant populations. Italy's government has resorted to increasing forced deportations to those migrants who have received deportation orders. The country issued 27,306 deportation orders in 2015.
The Dutch immigration policies have received their fair share of criticism as the nation has approved regulations to tighten its borders. The Netherlands has been wary of the economic and social effects of large-scale immigration. Illegal immigrants in the country have limited access to stable work and housing. The country served 23,765 immigrants with deportation orders in 2015.
Bulgaria's geographical location makes it a gateway to Europe. The country adopted a computerized system to deal with visa policy and tightened border controls in 1995 which has helped Bulgaria deal with illegal immigration. Human trafficking, however, is one of the problems Bulgaria is yet to eradicate. The largest number of immigrants in Bulgaria intends to move to Western Europe, but many of them end up settling in the country. The bulk of Bulgaria's immigrants originate from the Middle East, India, and Iran. Bulgaria has resorted to deportation as a way of easing the immigration burden. It issued 20,810 deportation orders in 2015.
Sweden has been one of the EU nations which have adopted a tough stance on unauthorized persons. The country's police have repeatedly staged crackdowns especially in workplaces such as construction sites. More often than not, illegal immigrants in Sweden choose to go underground and work in institutions such as restaurants, hotels, construction, and transport rather than be deported. Sweden has traditionally established itself as a migrant haven, but it has been reviewing its immigration policies. The Sweden Democrats, who have opted for an anti-immigration stance, have grown to become the second largest party in Swedish polls. The country issued 18,150 deportation orders in 2015.
The EU in the attempt to stem illegal immigration has sought to strike deals with the countries where the immigrants are either coming from or passing through. The deal struck with Turkey has set precedence, and the EU is looking to cut similar agreements with countries such as Ethiopia, Nigeria, Mali, Senegal, and Ethiopia. The EU has also added more pressure on Italy and Greece which act as the entry points for illegal immigrants.
10 European Union Countries That Deport The Most People
Rank | Country | Number of non-EU citizens ordered to leave the EU member state |
1 | Greece | 104,576 |
2 | France | 79,950 |
3 | United Kingdom | 70,020 |
4 | Germany | 54,080 |
5 | Spain | 33,495 |
6 | Belgium | 31,045 |
7 | Italy | 27,306 |
8 | Netherlands | 23,765 |
9 | Bulgaria | 20,810 |
10 | Sweden | 18,150 |