People enjoying the long weekend in the small historic country town of Berry

7 of the Friendliest Small Towns in New South Wales

New South Wales, a state known for its vibrant cities and stunning landscapes, is also home to some of the friendliest towns in Australia. These towns are not just gateways to natural wonders but are also beacons of warmth and community spirit. From the sun-kissed beaches of the north coast to the serene beauty of the south coast, each town in this list is a testament to the welcoming nature of the locals. Whether it’s through their charming festivals, community events, or just the everyday interactions on the street, these towns offer a sense of belonging that is both rare and invaluable. As we embark on this journey through seven of the friendliest towns in NSW, prepare to be embraced by communities that embody the true spirit of Australian hospitality.


Pool in Bermagui, Sapphire Coast, New South Wales
Pool in Bermagui, Sapphire Coast, New South Wales

Nestled on the Sapphire Coast, Bermagui is a hidden gem that offers more than just stunning natural beauty. The town's small population of under 3,000 brings a sense of close-knit community, where locals greet each other by name. Bermagui's charm lies not just in its picturesque landscapes but also in the warmth of its people. The town is known for its community-driven events, like the annual Bermagui Fishermen's Wharf Market, where locals and tourists alike gather to celebrate local produce and crafts.

Bermagui's community spirit extends to its commitment to the environment and sustainability, with initiatives like the Bermagui Growers Market showcasing organic produce from local farmers. The town's beaches, such as Horseshoe Bay Beach, often host community beach clean-ups, reflecting the locals' pride in their natural surroundings. This sense of collective responsibility and care for their town is what makes Bermagui not just a tourist destination but a place where visitors feel like part of the community.


People in restaurants in Berry, New South Wales
People in restaurants in Berry, New South Wales, via stanciuc /

Berry, a picturesque town in the Shoalhaven region, is renowned for its delightful hospitality. The town's main street, lined with heritage buildings and lush gardens, is a hive of activity, where shop owners and locals mingle with visitors, sharing stories and tips. Berry's community events, like the Berry Country Fair, bring everyone together in a celebration of local culture and cuisine.

The town's community spirit is also evident in its support for local artists and entrepreneurs. The Berry Music Festival, for example, showcases local talent, creating a vibrant atmosphere that's both welcoming and inclusive. Berry's ability to merge its historical charm with a forward-thinking community makes it a uniquely friendly and engaging town to visit.


Currarong Inlet in New South Wales, Australia
Currarong Inlet in New South Wales, Australia, By Phil Whitehouse from London, United Kingdom - Currarong InletUploaded by traveler100, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

Currarong, located at the northern tip of the Beecroft Peninsula, is not just a haven for nature lovers but also a place where the community spirit shines. The town's residents are known for their friendly demeanor and willingness to share their knowledge of the local area. Community-led initiatives, like the Currarong Coastal Cleanup, reflect the locals' commitment to preserving their beautiful surroundings.

The town's community center is a hub of activity, offering everything from yoga classes to art workshops, fostering a sense of togetherness and creativity. This sense of community extends to the town's eateries and businesses, where owners often know their customers by name, making Currarong a place where visitors quickly feel at home.

Echuca Moama

Vineyard and countryside at sunset in Moama, New South Wales
Vineyard and countryside at sunset in Moama, New South Wales

The twin towns of Echuca and Moama, located along the Murray River, are known for their warm and welcoming atmosphere. The towns' rich history, evident in their well-preserved paddle steamers and historical buildings, is matched by their lively community spirit. Annual events like the Winter Blues Festival and the Echuca Moama Farmers Market are occasions where the whole community comes together, showcasing the towns' friendly and inclusive nature.

The locals' passion for their towns is contagious, making visitors feel instantly welcomed. This is evident in the numerous community-led tours, where local guides share their love and knowledge of the area's history and natural beauty. Echuca Moama's blend of history, culture, and community makes it a standout destination for those seeking a friendly and engaging experience.


Aerial view of the lookout point where people watch for whales in Eden, NSW, Australia
Aerial view of the lookout point where people watch for whales in Eden, NSW, Australia

Eden, located on the far south coast of NSW, is not just a town with a picturesque setting; it's a community with a big heart. The town's history is deeply intertwined with the sea, and this connection is celebrated through community events like the Eden Whale Festival. Here, locals and visitors alike gather to honor the town's whaling history and its transformation into a haven for whale watching.

The town's community spirit is also evident in its support for local businesses and artisans. The Eden Community Market is a testament to this, where local producers and craftspeople showcase their products. Eden's friendly and inclusive nature makes it a place where visitors don't just come to see the sights but to be part of a community that values its history and each other.


Fruit orchards near the New South Wales town of Griffith.
Fruit orchards near the New South Wales town of Griffith.

Griffith, in the Riverina region, is known for its diverse community, particularly its strong Italian heritage. This multicultural blend is celebrated through various community events, such as the Griffith Italian Festival, where the town comes alive with music, food, and cultural displays. The town's friendly nature is also evident in its bustling cafe scene, where locals engage in lively conversations over coffee.

The community's pride in their town is showcased in the well-maintained public spaces and parks, like the Griffith Pioneer Park Museum, which reflects the town's rich history and diverse community. Griffith's inclusive and vibrant atmosphere makes it a welcoming place for visitors from all walks of life.


Low aerial view of Huskisson on the New South Wales South Coast, Australia
Low aerial view of Huskisson on the New South Wales South Coast, Australia

Huskisson, located in the heart of Jervis Bay, is famed not only for its stunning natural beauty but also for its friendly and relaxed vibe. The town's community is deeply connected to the sea, and this is reflected in events like the Jervis Bay Maritime Festival, where locals celebrate their maritime heritage. Huskisson's small-town charm is evident in its quaint streets, where shop owners greet customers with a smile and are always ready to share a local tip or story.

The town's sense of community is also evident in its support for environmental initiatives, like the Jervis Bay Clean Up Crew, which brings locals and visitors together to care for their beautiful beaches and marine life. Huskisson's combination of natural beauty and a welcoming community makes it an ideal destination for those seeking a friendly seaside escape.

The Takeaway

New South Wales is a state rich in diversity, not just in its landscapes but also in the warmth and friendliness of its towns. Each of these seven towns offers a unique experience, but they all share one common trait: a welcoming community that makes visitors feel like they belong. Whether it's through their vibrant festivals, community projects, or just the everyday kindness of the locals, these towns exemplify the true spirit of Australian hospitality. As we conclude our journey through the friendliest towns in NSW, it's clear that the beauty of this state is not just in its natural wonders but in the hearts of its people.

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