US National Forests of Oregon

The government of the United States has set aside more than 150 areas as the national forests. Some of these forests occupy some regions in the state of Oregon. The US forests have a diverse wildlife species, and 12 of these national forests are in the state of Oregon.
12. Fremont-Winema
Fremont and Winema forests were merged in 2002 to form one national forest in the southern part of the Oregon state. Fremont forest has an approximate area of 4,880 square kilometers while Winema forest has about 4,230 square kilometers. The boundary of the forest in the southern region is the state of California. The US Forest Service is the body in charge of Fremont-Winema forest with Lakeview as the headquarter. The national forest has Mount Thielsen, Mountain Lakes, Gearhart Mountains and Sky Lakes as the areas of wilderness. The animals inhabiting the forest are pronghorn, mule deer, and elk. The species of plants are more than 900 in the forest in which most of them are vascular plants that provide habitat and food for animals.
11. Umpqua
The Umpqua as a national forest occupies an area of about 3,975 square kilometers within Lane, Jackson, and Douglas counties. The management of the forest is under the US Forest Reserve with the help of ranger districts offices in Diamond Lake, Cottage Grove, and North Umpqua. More than 245 species of wildlife are available in the Umpqua forest. Some of the animals inhabiting the forest are the black bear, deer, squirrels, elk, raccoons, and cougar. Hiking, rock climbing, horse riding, boating, and fishing are some of the leisure activities taking place in the Umpqua forest. The areas designated for wilderness in the forest are Mount Thielsen, Boulder Creek, and the Rogue-Umpqua Divide.
10. Deschutes
The national forest occupies the counties of Jefferson, Klamath, and Deschutes in the central region of the state of Oregon. The forest has land coverage of about 7,290 square kilometers. The combination of Blue Mountains, Cascade Range and parts of the Fremont forest in 1908 formed the present Deschutes forest. The forest is under the control of the US Forest Reserve headquartered at Bend, Oregon with the help of ranger districts offices in Crescent, Sisters, and Bend. Some of the leisure activities in the forest are hiking, mountain biking, fishing and wildlife watching. The Diamond Peak, Three Sisters, and Mount Washington are the areas of wilderness within the forest.
9. Willamette
The forest covers an area of about 6,791 square kilometers in central Oregon, United States. Springfield city is the headquarter of management offices of the Willamette forest.The area experiences the Pacific Maritime type of climate since it is near to the Pacific Ocean and receives an average rainfall of 2400 millimeters per year. The area designated for wilderness in the forest has an area of about 1,540 square kilometers.
8. Malheur
The national forest occupies an area of about 5,705 square kilometers in the Blue Mountains, the eastern region of the Oregon State. The vegetation in the forest consists of desert grasslands, juniper, pine, and fir. Theodore Roosevelt created the forest in June 1908, and currently, management of the forest is under the US Forest Service. The national forest lies between Harney, Grant, Malheur, and Baker counties. The areas of alpine wilderness within the Malheur forest are Monument Rock and Strawberry Mountain.
7. Ochoco
This US national forest occupies the central part of Oregon with an approximate area of 3,435 square kilometers. The headquarter of the management of the forest is in Prineville. The Oregon counties that border the forest are Harney, Crook, Wheeler, and Grant. Black Canyon, Bridge Creek, and Mill Creek are the areas of alpine wilderness within the forest. The leisure activities in the forest are fishing, hiking, hunting, horseback riding, and camping.
6. Siuslaw
The national forest occupies the western part of Oregon in the United States. The area of the forest is about 2,498 square kilometers. The forest extends to Lincoln, Lane, Tillamook, Douglas, Benton, and Yamhill counties.Some of the part-time activities in the forest are hiking, mountain biking, riding off-highway vehicles and horse riding. Alpine wilderness areas within the forest are Rock Creek and Drift Creek.
5. Mount Hood
The national forest is almost 95 kilometers to the east of Portland city and the north of the River Willamette with an area of about 4,320 square kilometers. Mount Hood forest also extends to Hood River, Wasco, Marion, Jefferson and Clackamas counties in the state of Oregon, United States.Since the forest is highly visited, sites like Lost Lake, Trillium Lake, Burnt Lake and Timothy Lake have been used for recreation. The designated areas of wilderness are Clackamas, Badger Creek, Mount Hood and Lower White River.
4. Rogue River-Siskiyou
The national forest is on the border of California and Oregon, United States. The Rogue River and Siskiyou forests were merged in 2004 for easy administration. The area of Rogue River-Siskiyou is around 7,295 square kilometers. Rogue River-Siskiyou forest lies between the counties of Klamath, Jackson, Josephine, Douglas, and Siskiyou.The alpine wilderness areas within the forest are Grassy Knob, Red Buttes, Siskiyou, Copper Salmon and Wild Rogue.
3. Wallowa-Whitman
The national forest extends from Oregon to the Idaho, United States. The forest occupies an area of about 9,250 square kilometers to the northeastern section of the state. Some of the leisure activities in the national forest are hunting, hiking, and fishing. The alpine wilderness areas within the forest are Monument Rock, Hells Canyon and Eagle Cap.
2. Umatilla
The forest occupies an area of about 5,650 square kilometers to the northeastern part of Oregon State and the southeastern region of Washington. Umatilla forest extends through Garfield, Columbia, Marrow, Asotin, Grant and the Umatilla counties.
1. Klamath
The US national forest occupies an area of about 7,000 square kilometers in Klamath Mountains, Siskiyou County. The forest has Douglas fir, white fir, ponderosa pine and Jeffery pine tree species.