The Record Holding Lakes Of North America

6. Largest Salt-water Lake In The Western Hemisphere

The Great Salt Lake is the Western Hemisphere’s biggest salt lake. It is located in Utah, US. The lake occupies an area of the about 4,400 square km, making it the world’s eighth largest endorheic basin. The size of the lake keeps fluctuating due to its shallow depth. The lake receives water from Bear, Weber, Jordan rivers, and other tributaries. These rivers also deposit millions of tons of minerals into the lake. Since the lake does not have any outlet, water is lost only through evaporation. The lake is often labeled as "America's Dead Sea” due to the high salinity of the water. However, it is in no sense “dead” as the Great Salt Lake offers habitat for several species of birds and salt-water species like brine shrimp.
5. Largest Lake On A Lake Island In The World
Lake Manitou is the world’s largest lake on an island in a lake. The lake is located on the Manitoulin Island in the Canadian province of Ontario. Also, since the island itself is located on the Lake Huron, Lake Manitou is also referred to as the largest "lake in a lake”. The lake encompasses an area of 104 square km. The Manitou River drains the lake. The lake even has its own islands.
4. Largest Lake On An Island In The World
Nettilling Lake is the largest lake on an island in the world. The lake is located on the Baffin Island of Canada’s Nunavut province. It occupies an area of 5,542 square km and is crossed by the Arctic Circle. The Amadjuak Lake and several other lakes and streams drain into the Nettilling Lake. The Koukdjuak River serves as the outlet to the waters of the lake. The western half of the lake is deeper while the eastern half hosts several islands. Due to its location far north, the Nettilling Lake remains frozen for the greatest part of the year. The lake hosts a significant population of ringed seals and the surrounding land is an important caribou breeding ground.
3. Largest Freshwater Lake In The World

The combined waters of Lake Huron and Lake Michigan can be regarded as the world’s biggest freshwater lake in terms of area. Since the lakes are connected via the Straits of Mackinac and their water levels are in near-equilibrium, the lakes are together referred to as Lake Michigan–Huron. Together, the lakes encompass an area of 117,300 square km.
2. Deepest Lake In The North America
The Great Slave Lake is the deepest lake in North America. The lake is located in Canada’s Northwest Territories. The lake has a maximum depth of 614 meters and covers an area of 27,200 square km.
1. Largest Lake By Volume In The Western Hemisphere

Lake Superior holds several records. It is the Western Hemisphere’s largest and the world’s 3rd biggest freshwater lake by volume. One of the Great Lakes of North America, it is also often regarded as the world’s biggest freshwater lake in terms of surface area if Lake Huron and Lake Michigan are treated as separate lakes. Both Canada and the US share the lake’s waters.